single philosophy-火狐体育登录平台

position:火狐体育登录平台-火狐体育下载app single philosophy

management concept, strict thin solid

【interpretation】"high" refers to the work of high safety, production of high technology, high quality, high efficiency products operation, high output efficiency, through the democratic and efficient decision mechanism to improve the efficiency of management comprehensive.
"strict" refers to the strict execution to ensure every work done efficiently, do rigorous thinking, work everything in good order and well arranged; strict organization, process coordination in order; the team of rigorous, good manners literacy.
"fine" refers to the use of detailed requirements to implement the duties, moving customers with considerate service, refine on with fine work, do duty authority is clear, fine, clear standards, attention to detail, continuous improvement.
"real life" refers to the real work steadfastly, style, and work fine, pay attention to implementation. on the pragmatic style, establish long-term management mechanism, to build a professional plate, enhance coordination ability.

the product concept - based international frontier science and technology to create the industry standard high.

shenghong group grasp the direction of industrial development, in the international arena, requests the enterprise products and services based on the international advanced standard; leading technology is an inexhaustible motive force for enterprise development, sheng hong group continues to break the routine, the initiative to overcome the technical difficulties, and continuously improve the high-tech products, to provide a solid guarantee for enterprises based on the frontier of the world; shenghong group to create the industry standard for oneself, the leader and pioneer of identity, for other enterprises in the same industry establish industry model, to create the industry standard, lead the industry as a whole progress.

talent concept: not to stick to one pattern to use for candidates with others emotion and benefit were education and double back

talent is the first capital of enterprise development. shenghong group efforts to build the growth and development for every employee to provide a platform to display their talent, space.
shenghong group in personnel selection, advocated "not to stick to one pattern with talents", advocating free competition in a fair, open, justice atmosphere, focusing on the development of potential employees and comprehensive quality, in the talent selection focus on performance, appoint people on their merit.
sheng hong group of employing the concept of the perfect embodiment of me thought: make the best use of people, as below. wide accept expostulation, understand and use, treat employees, with the trust, acceptance, appreciation view of employees, employers do not suspect, the suspect not, understand people, care staff.
shenghong group efforts to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere of the enterprise, with first-class humanistic environment of others; let the staff have a sense of achievement in work, with the first-class career by others; "for competition, internal fairness" compensation system, with the first-class treatment.
sheng hong group and double back as the highest pursuit of staff training. only those, moral capital; in germany, only the handsome. sheng hong group is the cultivation of have both ability and political integrity employee social school.

learning philosophy - innovative learning active learning and team learning

shenghong group efforts to the construction of learning type enterprise, create a good learning atmosphere, to create a superior learning conditions, to stimulate the initiative of the staff and enthusiasm for learning, improve staff learning ability, cultivate learning staff. shenghong group advocating innovation learning, using the knowledge of science and technology innovation, system innovation, the management innovation, technology innovation, and formed a "virtuous circle learning continuous innovation - the establishment of competitive advantage"; sheng hong group to advocate active learning, let the staff have active thirst for knowledge and desire, form active learning in work habits; sheng rainbow group advocate team learning, encourage employees to inspire each other, to encourage each other in the team, sharing knowledge and experience, the learning results to spread across the enterprise.

market concept - the concept of a city action develop city reputation upright city competing sheng city

shenghong group uphold the principle of "no weak market, only behind the concept of" concept, grasp the market dynamics, strengthens the market anticipation, seize the opportunity to take advantage of, to win customers, continuing to create the market demand.
shenghong group is committed to the theory of action, to verify the market anticipation, continuous improvement in practice, actively explore new markets, and practical action to promote enterprise, enable enterprises to cut a striking figure in new markets.
shenghong group pursued a full range of credibility of the concept, as for the integrity of the foundation, the foundation of development, adhere to the "honest, credit" principle, to ensure product quality, conscientiously fulfill the contract, abide by the commitments, ensure the legitimate interests of parties, to ensure the authenticity of the disclosed information, firmly establish the integrity and reliable, with high reputation large corporate image.
shenghong group to follow the laws of the market, scientific and efficient integration of resources, and actively create conditions and competitive partner cooperation and orderly competition, market to flourish, implementation advantage is complementary, symbiotic, win-win.

active and efficient sincere and professional service concept

shenghong group cherish every customer service opportunity, take the initiative to understand and carefully listen to customers; rapid response, timely feedback, and efficient resolution of customer problems.
shenghong group focused on process, for each customer service service, with affection, the customer would like to think, urgent customer needs, sincere treat customers, dedicated to provide professional services to customers, the constant pursuit of customer satisfaction, and strive to exceed customer expectations, customer and partners forever.